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Should I discipline my husb?

Phil’s show) also claimed to be a Christian (non-denominational ?

He should spank you in private, because you are his wife. We have received some great reviews, feedback and quite a lot of questions regarding them. View my complete profile Have you ever been spank in your mother’s house by your wife? Or in you home with your mother or someone else in the other room? Answer: Yes, I agree with why your husband needs to be held accountable for his neglect, but I agree with him that if you were to administer the punishment, then it would undermine his … One common “complaint” that I have read on this blog is that husbands want firmer discipline than their wives give. Whimpy husbands deserve to be Spanked I love spanking stories, but don't believe husbands should be spanked and wives get away with only "don't do that again!" What's sauce for the Goose is sauce for the Gander Hi i dream of being spanked i was spanked hatd as a kid by mom and step dad, but being spanked by a man as your lover would be so awesome him taking full charge like yours did would be awesome but if i started to cry hard and could not take anymore would he stop and hold me and tell me to be a good girl or keep spanking me till i learned my lesson, and bending over a … Today we're learning about 'Domestic Discipline' where husband spanks his wife when she doesn't clean house. everett lynch days of our lives You know what to do if you don't like this kind of stuff. The catalogue is available for ordering and if you don't mind, I'm going to take my wife into the bedroom for some aftercare. Spanking F/M, Wife Spanks Husband: A: Father's Day Thrashing: Thrashing, a Scottish family. I spanked my husband soundly and decided I would utilize it as needed. estes freight careers He pulls her dress up to thoroughly spank her pretty round cheeks over his lap. By utilizing spanking and other BDSM experiences, these women have a way to access sexual pleasure without feeling like they are being bad or dirty. Click “Add To Cart” below to buy the full 18-minute clip … Continue reading Audrey’s After. Well buckle up, baby. My bottom is so sore that there is no risk of me forgetting having been naughty and getting punished as I deserved. whos with me gif 146 – Got Spanked? 105 – Worst Spanking Everrrrrrrrr; 199 – Variations on “Defer to his authority”. ….

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